Become a Member
Information for Prospective Members of the Guelph Male Choir
What are the fees?
- fees vary depending on the length of the term, but usually range from $100 to $125 per term
What is the provenance and purpose of the Guelph Male Choir?
- Roy Connolly and Prof. Murdo McKinnon founded the GMC in October 1997 to advance the Welsh male choir tradition in Ontario
- non-auditioned, but provides an opportunity to gain knowledge about music, choral singing, and vocal performance
- an enjoyable fraternal experience, but we ask that visiting not interfere with diligent efforts during practices
What happens at practices?
- practices start promptly at 7PM; come a bit early for a visit
- start with stretches and vocal warm-ups
- sing through pieces scheduled for that night
- break-time halfway through for more chatting (please save chatting for breaks)
- prompt return from break-time
- usually over by 8:45 but might go a bit longer closer to concerts
Where do we get the music?
- music scores are supplied in a manilla envelope with a numbered choral binder assigned to each member
- only use pencil or removable highlighter tape to mark on the sheet music
- have music in concert order by time of the concert
- return music in the manilla envelope to the Music Librarian at the end of each concert
When and where are the concerts?
- usually, first Sunday in December for holiday season and first Sunday in May for spring season
- usually, at the same location as practices
- dates and location may change based on venue availability, but adequate prior notice will be given
What is the dress code for concerts?
- members wear tuxedos for concerts, supplied by the GMC, though a member might have to buy his own shirt.
- red bow tie for the December holiday season, black tie for the Spring concert also supplied by GMC
- black socks and black shoes required for concerts
How are concert tickets distributed?
- members are asked to sell tickets, usually $15, to friends and family members for the concerts and to submit the money and unsold tickets at the dress rehearsal before the concert; tickets can also be purchased through Eventbrite
- fees and ticket sales help GMC cover rent, insurance, music costs, stipends for director and accompanist, fees to guest musicians, and donations to the Kiwanis Music Festival Scholarship Fund
Are there other performance events?
- Kiwanis Festival is in April; the GMC participates to receive feedback from expert adjudicators
- a mass choir opportunity in Burlington at the end of May will involve a few more practices after the spring concert and provides an opportunity to sing for, and with, hundreds of other men
What volunteer roles can members play?
- helping maintain the music library
- helping store the tuxedo inventory
- helping create content for the website, e.g. photos and video
- using social media to promote the choir, attract new members, and sell tickets
- serving on the Executive Committee
Who do I contact if I have more questions?